Polymer Waterproofing Coil Membrane

Thermoplastic Polyolefin(TPO)waterproofing coil membrane
Product Overview

Thermoplastic Polyolefin(TPO)waterproofing coil membrane is flexible waterproof material which is made through advanced processing technology with the base materials of thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) combining ethylene propylene rubber with polypropylene through advanced polymerization technology.

Product Feature

Excellent resistance to thermal aging and UV, and good dimensional stability;

Resistance to chemical corrosion, and microbial growth such as alga and fungus;

With high strength and good elongation, the product has good physical root resistance and can effectively withstand the puncture of plant root system;

The coiled material is wide, ensuring high construction efficiency, small loss, convenient construction and good overall effect;

The coiled material is green, environment-friendly, chlorine-free and recyclable, does not include plasticizer, thus not involving migration of plasticizer;

With a wide application scope and excellent resistance to high and low temperature, the coiled material can still maintain good flexibility at low temperature (-40℃);

Hot air welding is adopted, the weld is firm and reliable, and the quality can be assured;

Scope of Application

Waterproofing engineering of ordinary roof, planted roof, and single-ply roof of various industrial and civil buildings and public buildings.

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400 - 800 - 7220
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